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The Complete Solution for Full Internet Coverage. Say Goodbye to Dead Spots!

Dead spots. They are every digital native’s scariest nightmare and a constant source of frustration. Close a door or turn a corner, and your network signal plummets by a drastic 80 percent.

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Choose The Right Mesh System For Your House

WiFi 7 Mesh System
TP-Link Deco BE85 BE22000

Click here for full technical specifications.

WIFI 6 Mesh System
TP-Link Deco X55 AX3000

Click here for full technical specifications.

What is Mesh WiFi?

Meet Mesh WIFI. The Mesh WIFI technology is engineered to eliminate WIFI dead spots at home. Mesh units can work independently or communicate with other units to form a complete Mesh network and amplify connectivity. The Mesh WIFI system is designed to fit every home size and layout – even multi-story homes, making it essential for all HDBs, Condominiums and Landed properties.

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WiFi 7 is here.

This is the cutting edge of wireless technology. Experience never-before-seen wireless speeds when paired with our best value 10Gbps Broadband.

Note: A WiFi 7 compatible device and 10Gbps broadband service is required to experience the full potential of WiFi 7. Older devices may see some improvements in wireless speed and signal strength.

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All Decos Work Together

Have an older Deco model? Combine all Deco routers in the same mesh network to boost your wireless coverage.

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